Parameter Designer

As described in the overview, parameters are an advanced feature that allows users to build lists of items that can be used to drive other calculations or logic.

To create a new parameter, launch a new Formulate session, and choose the Parameter button to trigger the Parameter Designer wizard. If you open an existing parameter from the content manager, it will also be opened into the designer for further editing.

See an overview of Parameters and how to incorporate them into reports, dashboards, and calculations.

Parameters can also be created in various other parts of the application using quick parameter interfaces and variable wizards for example.

Parameter Designer

The designer takes the user through several stages in defining or configuring the parameter. These are outlined below.

Parameter Scope

Once, launched, users are required to choose whether the parameter is going to be specifically for a given data model in the system or global.

Global Parameters

Global parameters are built without connecting to a data model, and as such may be used across different data sources. They are useful when the same logical elements needs to be used multiple times and do NOT have any specific settings for a given data source. Global parameters can be used to parameterize formulas, lists, and variable lists. These parameterized formulations can then added to the query in Discover and used to inject values into query.

Since Global parameters are not attached to a data source, they can only be described statically.

Model Parameters

Model parameters are configured for a specific data model, and as such may be accessed and used only when using that data source. Since model parameters are attached to a data source, their values can be defined dynamically using data and queries. They can also include static items like global parameters if appropriate.

If you select "Model" as the scope, parameter you will be prompted to select a data source model.(See below for more).

Parameter Type

There are 3 types of parameters: static numeric, static text and dynamic list parameters.

Static Numeric Parameters

Numeric parameters allow users to build parameters based on static numeric values, that can then be used within the context of a list or formula to drive its own logic. When the parameterized list or formula is added to a data discovery, the parameter appears allowing the user to manipulate the logic using the parameter input. Numeric parameters may be configured as either global or model parameters.

Numeric parameters can be:

  • discrete - a list of hard coded numeric values
  • continuous - a list of soft coded numeric values (mathematically resolved)
  • free form - any acceptable numeric value

The type will also dictate the type of acceptable visualization (see below).

Static Text Parameters

Text parameters allow users to build parameters based on static text values, that can then be used within the context of a list or formula to drive its own logic. The parameter is then used to build custom formulas, custom lists, and variable lists, where dynamic elements are connected to the parameter's values. A powerful way to use this feature is to write PQL or MDX text values, allowing users to build custom business logic based on code injected from a parameter. Text parameters may be configured as either global or model parameters.

Text parameters can be:

The type will also dictate the type of acceptable visualization (see below).

Dynamic List Parameters

A Dynamic List parameter is made up of a data driven set of elements, measures or custom lists, from the selected data source model. Because the parameter's values are set by this selection, no further configuration is required to enable the use of dynamic list parameters. As described in the overview, Dynamic parameters are used primarily as data filters to drive the "WHERE" logic in queries. But they can also be used inside formulas, lists, KPIs for showing or hiding data elements in a visual.

Dynamic List parameters have many visualization options (in effect any slicer visualization type will work).

  • Click here for more details on setting up the Parameter Types in the designer.

Parameter Defaults

The defaults define how the parameter will act out of the box when used.

Default Selection Mode

This options is relevant to Dynamic Lists only and allows designers to elect whether the resulting list visualization will allow users to pick one item at a item (single select) or multiple items (multi-select).

Default Visualization

Choose the parameter visualization you want to use. This can be changed later on, by editing the slicer from within Discover, or by editing the parameter itself.

  • Discrete List: can be visualized as a drop down, list box, buttons, or text box.
  • Free Input: free input parameters are always visualized as a text box.
  • Continuous: can be visualized as a slider or a text box.
  • Dynamic List: can be visualized as a drop down, list box, buttons, or text box. Other choices can be selected when deploying the parameter in Discover or Present.

Default Parameter Value

Setting a default value ensures that when a parameter is used, the initial value in the system is predetermined in its definition.

  • Static Discrete: pick the default value from the drop down list. The listing matches the inputs provided earlier
  • Static Continuous or Free Form: Type in a default value.
  • Dynamic Lists: Pick the technique for selecting the default.
    • First - picks the first item in the list. This is useful when the list itself is dynamic and may change over time.
    • Last - picks the last item in the list. This is useful when the list itself is dynamic and may change over time.
    • By Position - pick based on the independent position of elements.
    • By Selection: pick a specific item from the rendered list of actual items in the drop down.